Are you considering opening your own bank account? Are you currently paying your bills and cashing checks by using other outlets? Money orders and cash-checking outlets can all require you to pay a fee. Why shouldn’t you be able to do all of this for free? A bank provides you with a variety of services for free or for a very low cost.
Cashing Checks
If you use a check-cashing outlet to get physical money, you could lose a portion of that recently-obtained money from being charged fees. If you use a cash-checking service, your fees could quickly add up. Instead you can cash your checks at a bank for no cost.
Paying Your Bills
Once again, if you are relying on cash-checking outlets to pay your bills, the fees are racking up. If you are paying your telephone or cable bill outside of getting money through your bank account, you could end up paying high fees. If you are sending in a money order, you can also end up paying fees. You can write and send checks for free if you have a checking account, and you can even pay services online, typically for a very small fee.
Transferring Money
You can transfer money from one bank account to another, usually for a very small fee of less than a dollar. If you use a company that specializes in transferring money, you may have to pay a much larger fee than you would pay while banking at Schiller Park.
Handling Cash
A credit card can provide you with a cash advance, but you have to do this at an ATM which would cost you a fee to use. You may also get charged interest by the credit card company. Instead, you can open a bank account so that you can deposit and take out money freely.