Sales tax on utility bills can add up, taking away valuable revenue from your company. You can save significant money if your business qualifies for tax exemption through a predominant use study in Wisconsin. This study evaluates how much energy qualifying equipment...
Financial Services
Good Home Equity Line of Credit Coaching Can Help You Pay Off Your Mortgage a Lot Sooner
Everyone wants to save money, especially on a mortgage, but how can you do this if all you’re familiar with are the basic 15- or 30-year home loans? The truth is, there are additional ways for people to pay off mortgages a lot faster than that, and with good home...
Reasons Quality Family Wealth Management Services Are Important
When it comes to family wealth management, there are many things to think about. How will you protect your assets? What kind of investment strategies should you use? How can you ensure that your loved ones will be taken care of financially after you're gone? This blog...
Answers To Common Questions About A Texas Predominant Use Study
It is very common for companies in the processing, manufacturing, agricultural, and fabricating industries throughout the state of Texas to have questions about a predominant use study. The following frequently asked questions help to clarify the value of a...
Find the Right Stock Investor with Utah Based Colonial Stock Transfer
Find the Right Stock Investor with Utah Based Colonial Stock Transfer A transfer agent is an essential part of managing a company’s financial health. Every company should have one to ensure compliance with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), overseeing all...